Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan launched the official website of Raja Ravi Varma Art Gallery in the State capital and the Kunkichira Heritage Museum at Kunhome in Wayanad district under the Department of Museums and Zoos on Wednesday.
The inaugural function was held in the Chief Minister’s chamber in the presence of Minister for Museums Kadannappally Ramachandran.
The website for the Raja Ravi Varma Art Gallery has been designed to popularise his legendary paintings exhibited in the gallery and introduce them to international art aficionados too. A virtual tour of the paintings showcased at the gallery too is included in the website. Details are available in Malayalam and English on the website in order to attract domestic and international tourists.
The Kunkichira Heritage Museum with 15 pavilions in three zones provides an experience of Wayanad’s heritage and scenic beauty. The first zone has basic information on Wayanad’s flora and fauna, natural resources, history, and tribal communities. The second zone throws light on the tribal communities’ life and traditions through various media. The third depicts the livelihood and survival of the tribal population and traditional healing practices. A virtual tour of the museum that gives an experience very similar to that of an actual visit too is available on the website.
The website addresses are,
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